8 Common Dental Problems and Their Treatments

, 8 Common Dental Problems and Their Treatments

Do you want a healthy smile with healthy & strong teeth?
In the current period of time winning a smile, and fresh breath boosts your level of confidence, with some healthy habits you can solve your dental problems and achieve a healthy smile.


About half of adults have or have had halitosis

Some of the dental problems are really crucial that require treatment by the best dentist in Alwar. On the other side, some problems are not crucial but necessary to treat. In this article, there is information about 8 dental problems below.

Here are 8 Dental Problems that Should be Treated in Time.

Teeth Grinding

While grinding your teeth creates dental problems that are also called Bruxism in dental language. This problem usually occurs when you are on your bed in a sleeping position. Teeth Grinding creates jaw pain with headaches. 

Here are some dental problems which create teeth grinding in your mouth. 

  1. A filling or crown that is taller than the surrounding teeth
  2. An unnatural bite

Some individuals have bruxism when they have a sleep issue, are worried, or are anxious. Addressing these underlying conditions may help to alleviate or eliminate your grinding.

For treatment, the dentist will give you the best solution is a custom-made mouthguard to use at night. It will decrease the grinding problem and help to heal your teeth with protection.

Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth is a common problem and can be treated. A dry Mouth problem can generally occur at ages of 18-20. Included among the causes of dry mouth are cancer therapies, salivary gland disorders, nerve injury, and diabetes. Dry mouth and throat can also be caused by HIV/AIDS and some drugs.

For treatment, you have to drink more water on daily bases and try to avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and sweets during this period of time.

Root Infection

A tooth’s roots become infected and swollen with bacteria when it suffers from this disease. The most common reason for this is cavities, cracks, or fractures in the tooth. An infection of the roots of a tooth can damage the tissue and nerves and eventually cause abscesses.

There is no doubt that a throbbing toothache is a sign of root infection if it lasts for a long time. There will be a pain when chewing and biting, and the area of your mouth where the infection is will be very sensitive to hot and cold food and drinks. Sometimes the area around the infection on the face becomes swollen as well.

Receding Gums

In addition to receding gums, other common dental problems can be caused by receding gums. It is serious problem which creates a serious problem that loss of teeth. This is due to the fact that the disease exposes the tooth’s root, leaving it vulnerable to harm. Many conditions, including gum recession, can lead to receding gums.

  1. Poor oral health
  2. Brushing your teeth too hard
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Hormonal fluctuations in women
  5. Smoking

Your receding gums might be hereditary, meaning that the issue runs in your family. A dental expert will thoroughly clean your teeth as part of gum recession treatment. You may also be shown the appropriate way to wash your teeth. In severe situations, a gum transplant or other kind of surgery may be required.

Cracked or Broken Teeth

Cracked or fractured teeth are typically the result of:

  1. Injury.
  2. Chewing on tough foods.
  3. Protruding mouths.
  4. Clenching of the teeth during sleep.

Depending on the severity of the injury, a cracked or fractured tooth can cause significant discomfort. Regardless matter how severe you believe the crack or chip to be, you should have it inspected and repaired as quickly as possible by a dentist. This dental condition may be remedied with a veneer, a crown, or tooth-coloured fillings.

Sensitive Teeth

As enamel is worn away and the dentin is exposed, your teeth become sensitive to hot and cold foods and beverages.

Within the tooth, the dentin contains tubes that go to the nerve. Hot or cold substances can induce significant pain by travelling via the tubes to the nerve.

Tooth sensitivity, commonly referred to as dentin hypersensitivity, can be brought on by dental decay. Some potential reasons include:

  1. Gum disease
  2. Root infection
  3. A cracked or broken tooth
  4. Worn-down crown or fillings
  5. Enamel erosion
  6. Receding gums

You may also have sensitive teeth due to the inherent thinness of your tooth enamel.

There are kinds of toothpaste and mouth rinses designed particularly for sensitive teeth. In addition, your dentist may suggest a fluoride treatment, crown, gum graft, or root canal. The selected treatment will depend on the severity of your condition.

Bad Breath

Halitosis, or bad breath, is one of the most frequent dental issues. Also, it is among the most upsetting. Several distinct reasons can contribute to bad breath, such as:

  1. Inadequate oral hygiene
  2. Dryness of the mouth
  3. Medicine
  4. Acid reflux
  5. Infection.
  6. Cancer.

One or more of the meals you consume may also contribute to your bad breath. Spices such as garlic and onion are typical offenders.

Because the reasons for foul breath are so diverse, your dentist will do a thorough evaluation and recommend the best course of treatment for you.

Gum Disease

Gingivitis is the mild, early stage of gum or periodontal disease. It is a bacterial infection induced by plaque accumulation. Typical signs include gums that are red, swollen, and readily bleeding. Also, you may feel the foul breath and sensitive, painful teeth when you chew.

Gum disease can be exacerbated by neglecting to brush or by improper brushing practices. Likewise, so may crooked teeth that are difficult to properly clean. Furthermore, cigarette use, pregnancy, and diabetes are risk factors.

Importantly, gingivitis can be painless, so you may not detect it. Thus, it is prudent to have routine dental examinations.

Gingivitis can be treated with a thorough dental cleaning by a dental expert. To avoid its return, you will need to clean and floss your teeth twice every day.

How Salt Keeps Dental Problems Away?

Rinses with salt water can prevent the growth of germs in the mouth. 

“Saltwater rinses operate by raising the pH balance in the mouth, generating a far more alkaline oral environment in which bacteria cannot flourish,” explains Lazare. The mouth can become less irritated and healthier if the mouth’s acidic environment is neutralized, as dangerous germs prefer an acidic environment.


As You read Above, these are some dental problems that make unhealthy breath and decrease confidence. Some of these above dental problems are crucial that are needed to be treated by a dentist.